Congratulations, Dr. Saldana!
August 6, 2021
Luis defended his thesis and received his PhD from Yale University. Thesis link coming soon.
Congratulations, Dr. Buzinsky!
July 21, 2021
Nick defended his thesis and received his PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Thesis link coming soon.
Publication of Machine Learning Classifier Paper
March 3, 2020
We published a paper about the machine learning methods we use to classify CRES events in simulation and data. It describes how these methods improve our event identification and sensitivity. It can be found in the New Journal of Physics, or on arXiv:1909.08115.
Paper describing our Locust RF Simulation Package
November 26, 2019
We have published a paper that describes our detector simulation software, called Locust. It simulates the RF detection developed for our experiment, but which can also be used for a variety of other applications. Find it in the New Journal of Physics, or on arXiv:1907.11124.
Publication of Phenomenology Paper
January 9, 2019
We published a paper describing the CRES technique in detail. It describes the process from cyclotron radiation to detection within a waveguide, like in Phase II. The paper was published in Phys. Rev. C , and can be found on the arXiv:1901.02844.
First CRES Measurement of Electrons from Tritium Beta Decays
October 25, 2018
We started taking data using a molecular tritium source on October 6, 2018. We identified
the first CRES signal
from an electron from T2 beta decay within three hours. Our preliminary results
from the first two weeks of data-taking with tritium were presented at the
5th Joint Meeting
of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan.
Publication of new CRES measurements
March 6, 2017
We announce the publication of a review of recent results from the Project 8 expriment, including a new measurement of 83mKr conversion electrons.. We measured the 30 and 32 keV conversion electrons with resolutions of 3.3 and 3.6 eV (FWHM), respectively. The paper was published in Journal of Physics G (J.Phys. G44 (2017) no.5, 054004), and can be found on the arXiv (1703.02037).
Publication of the CRES Discovery
April 20, 2015
The paper announcing the first detection of single-electron cyclotron radiation and the first application of the CRES technique has now been published in Physical Review Letters: Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 1162501 (2015). The article was highlighted as an Editors' Suggestion. You can also read the Viewpoint commentary on the article written by Patrick Huber.
First Observation of Single Electron Cyclotron Radiation
August 25, 2014
The Project 8 collaboration is proud to announce the first observation of relativistic cyclotron radiation from single electrons! We detect individual electrons from a gasseous 83mKr source. Since the frequency of the relativistic cyclotron radiation is inversely proportional to the kinetic energy of the electrons, we use this technique to make a spectroscopic measurement of the 83mKr internal conversion electron lines. This new spectroscopic technique is called Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy (CRES). Please see the preprint of our paper announcing these results for more details.